Thursday 24 March 2016

The difference between marvel film's & DC film's

Write by Gerry barnaby
Welcome to Movie Knights in association with SSG Secret society of Gamers movie zone, bring you the truth & nature of these two film studio's & why you cant compare them in film format.

As of the resent Batman v superman film has come out which i have yet see but will be going on 25th march to see, i will be doing an unbaisest review on this film , but for the past 48 hours this film has had mixed reviews alot of people hating on the film ,  where other love the film or just like the film.

Now here the problem these so called hater that are hating on the film because its too dark , its too dramatic , its too bleak & gritty , its not funny.......... What excully were you expecting from this film?

Well the one problem is because your trying too compare DC film with marvel , this is your mistake right there & why you cant enjoy the film. Why you ask ?  is because DC isn't marvel period , they arnt gonna change they have always been this way in film's.

Now alot are saying well Dc isn't dark in comic books maybe not in the past 75 years no , but from what i know & seen the new 52 comic book are pretty dark from DC well some of them.

Not to mention DC has more R-rated characters then marvel does , People are trying to make out that DC film should be funny like marvel........well that cut batman out that also cuts superman because these too characters alone have pretty dark story , yet batman is more darker than superman story's.

To have Batman in a marvel style film would completely destroy the characters , that like having blade or the punisher as a pg (reference).

Batman story have always been hardcore drama with bleak dark gritty world, the character of batman would not work in a marvel type universe because he's the dark knight with a Gothic enivorment which means the story's are dark.

No one complain about Micheal Keaton batman being dark, bleak & gritty which most of it was although their were a few joke , but still a dark film.

Difference between marvel & DC

People are comparing Dc films saying they should be like marvel , but then this wouldn't work because it would give someone something else to complain about saying DC is ripping off marvel can you see what im getting at here.

Marvel is a fantasy world universe , that has a kid friendly world with violence that is not over the pg 13 mark targeted for the younger audience & fan's marvel with campy jokes that make the film very light hearted.

Dc is a real world concept universe  with Philosophy & hard-core dramatic scenes , with violent that is almost R-rated with characters that are pure evil they will kill you with warning , which make Dc a dark gritty dramatic concept in the comic book film genre.

This is the difference too which  i seriously dont know why people are trying to compare marvel with DC its doesnt make sense , its complete stupid too compare the two film style types because these are two different universe's & two different comic book styles.

With DC you know what you getting into, you know from the trailers this batman v superman was gonna be a political dramatic film after the after math of MOS, you knew the film was following MOS because batman was in the city at the time of the zod & superman battle. 

So why go watch the film only to come out knowing what you were about too watch saying its was too dark & too dramatic , its not funny when you knew before going in ? 

This to me personal feel like excuss's to bash on a DC film , because i grantee when captain america 3 civil war come out, it will be all sunshine & roses reviews with top marks from those that hated on DC , prove that all the hate toward this dc film is nothing by marvel fanboys that have no clue about the difference between DC & marvel.

These are too separate worlds two different concepts , both have there own quality's & should not been the same as each other because the characters of DC would work in a marvel style film period. 

DC is not campy it never has been never will be seriously stop comparing the two & just enjoy the difference between them both. Because right now DC / Warner bro are look at people comment think you bunch of ungrateful whinny ass children.

Zack synder should get more credit for his work because he trying his best to Bring us a DC universe after the other failed film's , it still not good enough for people whinny. if i was DC i would turn around & say were not making any more film's because you being ungrateful.

Zack synder didnt make this film for the critic, he made this film for the true fans that have been wait for two massive fan base iconic characters to come together in a film. So those critics & haters can go be negative somewhere else, because all this negative is gonna back fire on your haters.  

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