Friday 18 March 2016

The State of Horror Film's & What Wrong With Them today.

Written by Gerry Barnaby.

Welcome to Movie Knights in association with SSG Secret society of Gamers movie zone , bringing you an article on the state of horror film's & why i feel the horror genre is slowly dyeing out. Bare in mind this may content spoilers if you haven't seen certain films.

Over the years its seem that all the best horror film have come from the 80s as they seem to know what they were doing back then, with great horror film's like the shinning, poltergeist, hell raiser & the fog etc.
Most of the horror film today just fail in comparison to the old days, this is just the problem with them, it not really Hollywood fault here, its mainly down to us people just accept every piece of cr*p that come's out.

The reason why im saying that is the problem ! , is because all Hollywood is seeing is people accept the mediocre film's which make you apart of the problem , now dont get me wrong I'm not saying what film's you should like & what films you shouldn't im simple giving you the truth.

 By you just accept a mediocre film your causing a domino effect, where Hollywood is thinking well we give you a mediocre film you just accept it showing them you dont really care about the way film's are done, so in cause & effect they dont care so more mediocre film churn out from Hollywood.

That only just the beginning of how the horror genre is dying, the other problems is the way these film's are done , half the horror's ive watched over the past 15 years there is nothing that has been truly frightening or remotely creepy in any way , this is because of the way a film is being done.

Take the film Ouija as an example this film had potential to be a brilliantly frightening film but first mistake it made PG-13 - 12A certification, this right here kill's any frightening moment in the film make it a teenage tone down film that not even a horror film.

This is the problem horror film need to have a 18 or R-rated certification so the director can just be free to make it as frightening as it could possibly be without restriction. Because when you lower the tone of a horror it loses it identity become less frightening more mediocre when a film is like that you tend to lose the audience.

The other thing about this film that killed it is it's over predictive moment's that you can see coming a miles away , to add insult to this the use's of jump scares iver with sound effects or music which doesn't make it scary, these are cheap scare jump makes the film scary but just make the film cheap.

It was Oscar Wilde that once said the moment you lose the element of surprise in a film is the moment you lose the audience,  this is so true with today film, special when it come to horror film's, the blood & gory sub genre aren't scary they are more of a shock value but still can be mediocre by it the psychological horror that just aren't living up to it name, any one can make a blood & gore film, but to make a psychological one to put fear in the audience that where the true horror is.

The best example of how a horror film should be made & every director should take as an example of this when make a horror film. Steven Spielberg's jaws, Now i know what you thinking why iam i using jaws as an example.

Here the reason why? what made jaws frightening ?............................ yes you guess it's the fact you didnt see the shark attack the person through the first & second act of the film, it was always out of sight,  its not until the third act of the film that we saw the killer which kept the audience gripped to the seats through the film in fear by the third the audience is already hook on the film.

By this time  we saw the shark at the end it become this suspenseful moment as the the main characters are being hunted down by the shark like it was gunning for blood drawing the audience more , this was a genius way to pull the audience in , feed them bit of horror without showing to much but just enough to put fear in to the audience right up to the third act where you show the main villain of the film.

Now if they had shown the shark at the beginning or in the second act you would have lost the audience because by the time the third act had come along the audience would have been board start to lose interest in the film.

Now here a prime example of how bad thing's can get when you show the main villain of the film within the first act or second of the film , Mama is a prime example of this & why this film failed to be frightening.
Now i know alot of people will say this film was good , but be-honest did you truly find this film frightening ? The only disturbing thing was the kids living in g the wild, because part from that this film really sucked.

The one mistake it made was showing the ghost a the beginning, this was a Rooke mistake because by doing that you take away its suspense , you take way the atmosphere of the film , you take away the frightening jump parts of the film because you know what to expect, this is where you lose the audience & make the film a mediocre film.  


Creep is other prime example of what mama did only this time show the killer in the second act of the film, complete destroying the concept of the film being suspenseful & creepy, it was a shame because it start off really frightening as you see people getting grabs without show who it was or what it was, but the second act just ruin all that.

When it comes to horror film today they need to let go of this PC thinking that 18 or R-rated films dont work in cinema, because has we have recently had a R-rated dead pool movie that made a large amount of money it was a very successful film.

So in retrospect there is no excuss's not to make a horror film a 18 cert, the problem is most director think to make a horror film you need naked woman in the film , this is not the case because you can easy make a psychological horror frightening with having to use naked woman in it with a R-rating certification.

This is the one problem Hollywood has writers that have no imagination or inspiration to make a film frightening because people have given up & just accept these film that arnt scary & using mediocre scare jumps, as i said before this is apart of the problem not the solution.

Hollywood need to understand we need better horror film if they dont want the horror genre to disappear. If they just follow Steven Spielberg jaws by example Hollywood would have a good genre of horror film back to it glory.

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