Sunday 6 March 2016

Ghostbuster Reboot Why its Bad

As a film review im not normally one for nick picking at film's , yes i will give the good as well as bad points in a film whether people like it or not because no film is perfect. When it come to the latest film to be announced with a reboot of ghostbusters with a all female lead i have a few things to say.

 I'am not the only one that thought this was a bad idea , remember im not judge this film as a whole im only going off what the trailer is showing.

But i was willing to give it a chance to impress me by it's trailer to see if it would be good ,  but what is shown is just completely awful & poorly put together film, this is why its getting so much hate right now.

I'm all for woman playing lead roles in film's,  I'm not a sexist person because i loved alien & aliens both film had a lead actress by Sigourney Weaver which is a brilliant franchise.

Most every one is against this film , some are for it, but i see alot more hate against this film then i do for it & with good reason ,  because apoun viewing the trailer i can see several things wrong with this film that not only portrays woman in a bad way , but is slightly racist as well , with a copy & paste concept of the 80s version.

Here are the problem's ive seen from the trailer alone:

1. The maths on the white board, which ive noticed & someone else pick up on as well , which is completely wrong - this is a sexist portrayal of woman as they cant do maths when they can,  this put a bad light on woman.

2. This Film itself  is targeted toward female audience only & not the male audience,  not all ghostbusters fans are girls, which is OK if this is meant to be that way,  but it feel like this film is pandering to the feminist movement.

3. The scene of Kate McKinnon licking the gun like it some sexual show portrays woman in the wrong way,  that if you what to be a ghostbuster they have to be a slut to be one, its in bad taste to even have that in the film.

4. There meant to be professional ghostbusters they have a girly love heart on the radiation sign to warn of radiation , was this really need in the film to make it more girly like every girl like pink its kind of stereo typing.

5. The Racism in this film is pretty clear as well, Ya i know what people will think , well you're just nick picking at things but you can even tell from the dialogue that this film is racist.
I mean you get the only African american actress in the film to say you three are smart in scientist she works in a train ticket office.......that kind of written in as saying only white woman can be intelligent in a film.

The typical stereo typing of  Leslie Jones character that all African american woman are loud & shout idiots,  that alone is Stereo typing racist bullshit of Racial diversity of girl power. Sorry for saying that but it's the truth.

6. The jokes are bland, this scene in the picture is supposed to be funny, it was the most unfunny stupid thing ever,  which tells lot about the whole film, even when they're stood in front of the car that felt like a awkward social moment that wasn't funny, which mean the whole film is just gonna be full of bland jokes & unfunny moments.

 7. The Casting isn't great for a comedy, i mean out of the four actress casted in this film the only one that is comedic actress is Melissa McCarthy, no offence to the other actress but they seem to only have had role in minor parts or non comedy roles with their acting profile.

I mean Kisten wigg is a great actress but she not funny , she more suit to the mellow drama's than full of comedy which this film is.
 It why i feel it's bad casting for her, not to mention  Kate McKinnon who has only done voices overs & TV series & there is Leslie Jones who has had minor roles nothing to funny.

This is just the worst cast ever for a comedy, it feels like because they are all friend they've just been slapped together thinking the film will be funny without even thinking about whether it with be funny.
Even i can see from the trailer these actress might be friends but when it comes to comedy they dont play off each other to make it funny in a natural way.

8. people complain about the over use of C.G.I in a film, yet most of those people that complained are accepting this, i mean it double standards to complain about something one minute than praise it another just because it a ghostbusters film.

Sorry to say this is only a ghostbusters film by name not by sight, because the visual effect are clearly over the top, not to mention a complete rip off of scoody doo.

   I mean come on glowing blue ghosts that arnt even see through, it like someone from  scoody doo film dressed up with Helium Balloons to give the effect of floating.
 Its a complete joke & a mockery to the franchise of ghostbusters that should have been done better on the budget $154 million.

To be honest all this hate for the film is warranted because this just is a totally mess of a film before its even hit the big screens.

In all honest i just can jump on the bandwagon like most defending this shit, i truly hope we get a better version than this because i predict this film to flop in the cinema.

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