Saturday 19 March 2016

Poltergeist & its Remake

Written by Gerry barnaby

Welcome to Movie Knights in association with SSG Secret society of Gamers movie zone , bringing you an article on the poltergeist film's. Bare in mind this may contain spoilers if you haven't seen certain films.

Over the years the poltergeist film's have had so many theory of its curse that it meant to have, not to mention the deaths of certain actors from this film , many blame it on the real skeleton that was used in the filming other blame a more darker force at play. 

In this article im gonna try drive in to this subject more & explain what truly made this film frightening in some way that actually chilled you to the bone & some true facts about hauntings.

       Craig T. Nelson                     JoBeth Williams
       (Steve Freeling)                                   
   (Diane Freeling)     


       (R.I.P)  Beatrice Straight                       (R.I.P)  Dominique Dunne  
            (Dr. Lesh)                                                 (Dana Freeling)

    Oliver Robins                                  ( R.I.P)  Heather O'Rourke
  (Robbie Freeling)                                 (Carol Anne Freeling)      
                                                               (R.I.P )  Zelda Rubinstein

                                                                        ( Tangina )

First we look at the first poltergeist the catylist of the franchise that began the the nightmare for the Freeling family.  Yes some of the scene's in the film were fantasy & arnt actually real which add dramatic effect to the film but the real things in the film were actually real which gave the film its frightening concept.

What made this film truly frightening for any parent is how do you fight something you cant see or cant touch that has punch a hole in reality & taken your child to a world you cant get to unless your dead, now this is the truly frightening concept of this poltergeist film.

Do i agree on the film being a PG ?.... NO !!!! there is a reason why i say no, because although the film description is a fantasy its holds a very frightening aspect to it which is not for children's eye's. Several thing's with this film scream psychological horror for example:

1.  you have the ghost hand that come out of the TV.

2.  you have the child speak to some unknown entity in the TV like it an imaginary friend. 
3. you have the ghost that comes down the stairs. 
4. The man face melts off. 
5. child gets suck in to the cupboard to the other side.
6. The clown toy attack the young boy
7. The tree try to eat the boy. 
8. The child screaming about a ugly old man is chilling because you can't help her.

The most creep thing of all are these thing's as well as its spine chilling atmosphere also heart breaking emotions for a parent to go through , throughout the start of the film it set up this creep atmosphere special with the chairs with one scene you see them all laid out like they normal would then next Min they are stack on top of each other perfectly balanced . 

Now that's actually a classic poltergeist trick in real life, ya i know what you thinking ghost dont exist, well unfortunately they do your just haven't experience anything yet or your ignoring things to notice the thing around, this is what poltergeist do they play trick with you to scare you.

Thing like this happen to some one some where in the world everyday, it the most frightening experience ever , with the poltergeist film it step beyond those reality as we come to find out that the house is built on graves that were moved. 
This is rare but sometime common when contracts get lazy & dont what to spend money on removing graves they only remove the grave stones , this is a cause & effect in common haunting when you disturb a grave you disturb the soul the place becomes haunted because you laid a foundation on top of it which all the magnetic currants from electricity it feed off this which cause's disturbances this why you get hauntings.

But this is when this film gets its most chilling moment that gave me the chill's i mean cold shiver down my spine chill's it was from the quote that Zelda Rubinstein said who sadly pasted away in  January 27, 2010  age 76 , the quote was the most creep quote of any horror film first she saying this 

Thing like this happen to some one some where in the world everyday, it the most frightening experience ever , with the poltergeist film it step beyond those reality as we come to find out that the house is built on graves that were moved. 
This is rare but sometime common when contracts get lazy & dont what to spend money on removing graves they only remove the grave stones , this is a cause & effect in common haunting when you disturb a grave you disturb the soul the place becomes haunted because you laid a foundation on top of it which all the magnetic currants from electricity it feed off this which cause's disturbances this why you get hauntings.

But this is when this film gets its most chilling moment that gave me the chill's i mean cold shiver down my spine chill's it was from the quote that Zelda Rubinstein said who sadly pasted away in  January 27, 2010  age 76 , the quote was the most creep quote of any horror film first she saying this :

 "There is no death. There is only a transition to a different sphere of consciousness. Carol Anne is not like those she's with. She is a living presence in their spiritual earthbound plane. 
They are attracted to the one thing about her that is different from themselves - her life-force. It is very strong. It gives off its own illumination. It is a light that implies life and memory of love and home and earthly pleasures, something they desperately desire but can't have any more. Right now, she's the closest thing to that, and that is a terrible distraction from the real LIGHT that has finally come for them. 
You understand me? These souls, who for whatever reason are not at rest, are also not aware that they have passed on. They're not part of consciousness as we know it. They linger in a perpetual dream state, a nightmare from which they can not awake. Inside the spectral light is salvation, a window to the next plane. 
They must pass through this membrane where friends are waiting to guide them to new destinies. Carol Anne must help them cross over, and she will only hear her mother's voice."

But that not the creepiest thing she said it was this last bit that put a chill down my spine it was this:

 "Now hold on to yourselves... There's one more thing. 

A terrible presence is in there with her. So much rage, so much betrayal, I've never sensed anything like it. I don't know what hovers over this house, but it was strong enough to punch a hole into this world and take your daughter away from you. 

It keeps Carol Anne very close to it and away from the spectral light. It LIES to her, it tells her things only a child could understand. It has been using her to restrain the others. To her, it simply IS another child. To us, it is the BEAST "

That is the most frightening thing to hear that you child life is in the hand of a demonic beast, for any parent feel helpless this is what made this film frightening.

It wasn't until poltergeist 2 the other side where we see what the poltergeist was that was haunting the family & took Carol Ann, this is where it gets even more creepy when were introduce to the beast himself in human form the priest Kain played by Julian Beck .
who sadly past way on 
September 14, 1985 age 60, this was the most outstanding performance of poltergeist 2 to give's it's creepy unwavering tone special with that creepy song song he sung walking up the road to the house ; 

What special good about this poltergeist 2 is we get this glimpse of the past of who kain was & what he done, so we got this better understand of why he became this beast.

See in paranormal aspect this is a term called earth bound to long where a spirit has become so dark itself it lose everything human that it once was to become this dark entity, now in Kain case this is what is called feeding off the souls of those that died with him to become extremely powerful, which some how allowed him to punch a hole in reality & take Carol Ann. 

This indicated that kain was no longer a human spirit & became a demonic beast like entity strong enough to hold on to a supernatural force because its refused to turn to the light wont let the other cross over because he discover they fuel himself.

This is where manipulation is involved in the film, Kain doesnt want to go into the light, he was carol's light to keep the other soul in check, this was the whole concept of the film , this is because the character of carol Ann is a medium or emapth with a uncorrupted soul which is the spirit world will glow bright.

This is why Kain has come back for her because he need her to keep the other soul with him to fuel him ,  Julian Beck just had one of those presence just like the way Doug Bradley had with pin head, just the presence alone was pure evil just by the way he look which was perfect for the film concept. 

With poltergeist 2 it stray more in to the realm of fantasy horror that reality which works for the film, only this time is a battle of wits, see Kain know what make them stronger & what make them weak he this time instead of going after Carol Ann direct , he goes after the family trying to break them down, in order to grab & keep carol Ann forever.

                                                                  Kain in beast form

The was a clever sequel because rehash the original story, it had continuity which make this a unique sequel as once again the family is put against the beast itself, with the help of Taylor Indian chief that knowns how to battle spirits. Will Sampson sadly past away 

                                                                   (R.I.P)  Will Sampson

As we come to know Taylor in poltergeist 2, we get to see he teaching the family the value of unity & strength which is actually happen the family be strong so when the beast trys to get carol Ann the family's unity will be strong enough it can be broken, this is why this entity wants to break.

Here we come to the 3rd film that used every possible creepy way to unnerve you complete, the one thing that we normal use everyday in our live's they turn in to a nightmare.....yes im talking about mirrors.

This was the clever concept of the 3rd film because the spirit world is like a mirror image of the real dark world beyond reflection, which is use to its full effect that is not only creepy but unsettling.
Only this time the carol uncle & ant come face to face with evil as kain is back.

What's spooky is the visual effect of this film which are brilliant done in the way you would see thing happen in the mirrors reflection that not happening in reality which just made this such an unnerving film to watch.


The cast with this one is pretty good as well you have the older cousin played by 
Lara Flynn Boyle who play Donna Gardner the daughter Bruce Gardner played by Tom Skerritt 

                          Lara Flynn Boyle                                                      Tom Skerritt 

Then you have the other casting ( robocop ) Nancy Allen  playing ant Patricia Wilson-Gardner or as carol Ann like to call her ant trici which she hated being called in the film. Then you had Kipley Wentz play Scott the boy friends of Donna in film.

Nancy Allen                                                                        Kipley Wentz

Of course a film isn't with out it sceptical person who believe that everything is in the mind it just a power of manipulation & ghost or spirits arnt real this person is 
Dr. Seaton played by Richard Fire, only this time the beast / entity Reverend Henry Kane is played by Nathan Davis

                 Nathan Davis                                                       Richard Fire

   The one thing that set this film above the other is it just unnerving atmosphere with the mirror like most scene when you got
Tom Skerritt character talking to his wife in the mirror doing his tie up, but as he walks off the reflection Bruce Gardner is still in the mirror stand there staring when he walk halfway down the corridor, she noticed just as the reflection moved after 6 second, she could believe what she just saw, she was double checking,  now that was creepy.

The are other moments at a party with
Patricia when she sit down you heard the really unnerving voice with an evil chucking laugh say "ant trici" you see the reflection in the mirror of the sculpture head turn around  in was the most creepiest thing ever.

This time the poltergeist is able to control the building & turn it in to its own person play ground of paranormal activity to gain strength to get carol Ann once again. It starts of with the small thing that into full blown supernatural fight, as once against carol Ann is take.

                                                   (R.I.P ) Heather o'rourke
                                       December 27, 1975 - February 1, 1988

Heather Michele O'Rourke was born on December 27, 1975 in Santee, San Diego, California, to Kathleen, a seamstress, and Michael O'Rourke, a construction worker. She had German, Danish, English, and Irish ancestry.
Heather entered American cinematic pop-culture before first grade.
 She was sitting alone in the MGM Commissary waiting for her mother when a stranger approached her asking her name. "My name is Heather O'Rourke," she said. "But you're a stranger, and I can't talk to you". When her mother returned, the stranger introduced himself as Steven Spielberg.

 She failed her first audition when she laughed at a stuffed animal Spielberg presented her with. He thought she was just too young (she had just turned five), and he was actually looking for a girl at least 6 years old, but he saw something in her and asked her to come in a second time with a scary story book. He asked her to scream a lot. She screamed until she broke down in tears.

The next day at the commissary, Spielberg told her and her family, "I don't know what it is about her, but she's got the job." She instantly became a star overnight and was easily recognized at her favorite theme park, Disneyland, and everywhere in California.

In the years that followed, Heather was a familiar face on TV in Happy Days (1974) (1982-1983), Webster (1983) (1983-1984), and The New Leave It to Beaver (1983) (1986-1987), three shows in which she had recurring roles. In 1986, the highly anticipated sequel to her first movie, Poltergeist (1982), Poltergeist II: The Other Side (1986) debuted in theatres; it was her riveting performance in this film that cemented her a place in Hollywood history.

She went on to star in the last film she ever made Poltergeist 3 which she sadly past away after filming the film.
In January of 1987, Heather began to have flu-like symptoms and her legs and feet swelled. She was taken to Kaiser Hospital, and they confirmed it was only the flu , but when symptoms continued, they diagnosed her as having rare child Crohn's Disease, a chronic inflammation of the intestine.
 She was on medication throughout the filming of her next project, Poltergeist III (1988), and her cheeks were puffy in some scenes. She never complained during filming and did not appear sick to fellow cast members but during surgery sadly pasted away  
February 11988. God bless her soul.

According to an interview with her mum on the poltergeist film's,  it seem that 
Heather o'rourke had her own paranormal event happen, as she said to her mum right before she went in to surgery she said to her mum  "its ok mummy, i have to go but i have someone with me" like she was reassuring her mum it was ok like something was with he possible an angel or family who knows but she past away sadly a few hours into the surgery.

The Cures of poltergeist 

According to a few people they say that doing the poltergeist film cursed a few actors, now whether this is just a consistence or a real curse its unsure as the film exorcist seem to have some mysterious things happen with the set burning down & the crew dying in a plane crash.


We all know the urban legend that surrounds the Poltergeist film series; it's one of the most repeated amongst film fans. But the truth behind the curse was never known until now.
So let me refresh your memory about the creepy curse that dogged Poltergeist and its cast. In total, FIVE cast members died in unexpected circumstances in the years following the film's production.
It started with the brutal murder of actress Dominique Dunne - who played Dana Freeling in the first movie - by her boyfriend in 1982.

Then came the tragic death of child star Heather O'Rourke, who played Dana's younger sister Carol Anne, at age 12. O'Rourke died from cardiac arrest following a misdiagnosed case of stenosis.

More deaths followed, including the director of the second Poltergeist film Brian Gibson at the age of 59. Then, 10 years after he starred in the first film, actor Richard Lawson survived a plane crash in which 27 people died.

There's no doubt that the cast of Poltergeist seem particularly plagued by disease and misfortune. But I had always put it down to coincidence. Until now.
This video throws everything into new light - by revealing the deadly error Steven Spielberg made during production of the first movie. A mistake that would cost those involved in the project their lives.

Now is there truth in this curse well some say there is other say no, but that is up to you to decide?

In 2015 we get a complete new remake of the franchise but bring something new to the table, Unlike the original, this seem to be set a few year after the event of the first poltergeist film with a different family,  so it a way you could call it a sequel but it is a remake.

            Sam Rockwell                                       Rosemarie DeWitt  
             (Eric Bowen)                                          (Amy Bowen)

        Saxon Sharbino                                                   Kyle Catlett 
       (Kendra Bowen )                                               (Griffin Bowen)

Kennedi Clements 
(Madison Bowen)

                Jared Harris                                                                 Jane Adams 
            (Carrigan Burke)                                                         (Dr. Brooke Powell)


   Nicholas Braun                 Susan Heyward

                              (Boyd)                                                                                   (Sophie) 

Although it dose hold itself to the original film the original film will always be the best , but it good that they didnt rehash this whole story scene for scene it was done in a different way. Now with carol Ann character in the original she was sucked into that world, where this remake she was lured into the cupboard with a toy.  

The film does have some creepy moments although it best to watch the extended version of this remake because it make more sense that what they showed at the cinema , special with comic book visual effects one Min they were all in the box, next Min they are stack like a pack of card before it explodes into a shower of comic books. 

 Although if you compare the clown attack scene with both films , i will say that the original poltergeist film had the edge as it was a little predictable. 

There were a few new things add this this version is work that was the laundry room ghost coming out the floor that was pretty frightening , along with the seeing the other side as well like you were seeing a mirror image of the house but it the spirit world, it was like seeing something out of hell-raiser, it was freaky . 

If you do compare the two film they are similar in way but also different in others, which is why the new poltergeist movie is great not perfect, but still fun to watch.


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