Write by Gerry barnaby
Welcome to movie knights in association with Secret society of gamers ring you how this star wars movie should go down & what it need in the film without fail or its a complete disaster on storyline.
Now has the first trailer is now drop on the star wars rogue one film coming this December you get a feel for the film , but the hype train has been done before with star wars 7 which turned out to be a complete mess of a story (just opinion) that was all hype that didnt live up to it.
Some loved the film other just like it other saw the truth that is wasn't a star wars film, it had no passion behind it which made star wars great , it felt more of the dollar signs jump up & down for Disney than giving us a spectacular star wars film which is why im not getting hype for this film.
You burn me once Disney never again.
Most of us should know the star wars lure when it comes to this particular storyline which take places just after revenge of the sith & a new hope , so Disney needs to be on point with this film because this is a cannon storyline.......... no mess around with names or characters get it right.
Now a couple of things need to be in this film or its a complete disaster :
1. One the ending need to tie in with the original film before the launch of the attack on the death star with the x-wing fighters (this is a must without fail ). All those that have seen a new hope know what scene i'm on about.
2. Need's to have Death Vader & Darth Sidious woven in the storyline somewhere , you just can't have this film without them or not being mention. as well as Grand Moff Tarkin need to be in the film as well (yes clearly peter crushing died) but they have another actor that looked like him at the end of revenge of the sith when we saw the death star being built yes the guy walking away from Vader is Grand Moff Tarkin character.
3. No rehashing of previous scene by scene taken's in this film from previous movies that a big no , needs to be completely cannon
4. This film needs the most important thing of all , the bothins race they can not have this film without them being in the film because these are the key characters on which the quote from the the senator said "many bothans died to bring us this information" in the a new hope film, this is a must to have in the film or the story is screwed up. This is a bothans race :

Bothans (pronounced /'bɑθɪn/) were furry mammalian anthropoids, about 1.5 meters tall. Hailing from Bothawui and several colonies, Bothans differed in facial appearance and body structure with canine, feline, and equine features. They were known for being master politicians and spies, craving intrigue and subterfuge.
The Bothans were members of the Galactic Republic from at least 4000 BBY, but likely from a significantly earlier point. Through numerous conflicts, most notably the Galactic Civil War, the Bothans remained officially neutral, although their famed Spynet always played each side and commercial interests sought profits.
The Bothans were famously credited with stealing the plans to the second Death Star during the Battle of Korriban, enabling the Rebel Alliance to destroy the battlestation. However, many of them died to bring the Alliance this information. They played a large role in the founding of the New Republic and in the development of its government.
Bothese was the name of the native language spoken by Bothans, where Botha was the written form.
Disney has one job do NOT SCREW THIS UP OR you will be messing with the original trilogy which star wars fan will not for give you for , so i hope for your sake Disney you at least get this one right.
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