Easily the most iconic shot from the latest trailer, the sight of Superman buried in a massive pile of skulls is extremely chilling. Going to go ahead and guess this is the end result of Zod's heat vision.We're picturing a group of humans surrounding Superman to protect him, before suffering the full wrath of the General.
2.Faora's Promise

"You will not win. For every human you save, we will kill a million more." Yeah, we don't particularly like those odds.
3.Heat Vision 1
Zod seems to be really enjoying himself here.
But, as a lifelong warrior who has suddenly found his body transformed into a living weapon, we imagine he would be. With power like this in he hands of some as evil as zod would make for a formal enemy
4.Invasion Forces
This trailer fully reveals Zod's plan - to attack the earth until they give up Kal-El.
Anyone who wants to see how this might play out is advised to pick up Superman: Earth One, by J Michael Straczynski, published in 2010.
It seems Snyder's taking a lot of cues from that book, with Zod's plan, and this shot in particular, seemingly ripped from its pages.
It seems Snyder's taking a lot of cues from that book, with Zod's plan, and this shot in particular, seemingly ripped from its pages.
5.Batter Up
Zod might be a recent visitor to the States, but he appears to have picked up their passion for sport fairly quickly.
But what's he hitting? Is it a baseball? Is it a shuttlecock? No, it's Superman. Final we get to see a fight scene in a superman film.
6.Super Lois
On first watch, this looked to be a shot of Lois Lane suiting up, just like her best friend Pepper Potts in Iron Man 3.However, a closer investigation reveals that she's only wearing the helmet, not the full battle suit. Is she about to take a trip into space? Actually, probably not - because if there's one thing Superman IV taught us, it's that humans don't need helmets in space. We can actually breathe perfectly normally up there. Who knew?this will be interesting to find out why she wearing this.

7.Super Snyder
absolutely love this shot. It's the moment where Snyder pans around Superman as he bursts out of one of Zod's ships.it look like synder has done some fantastic angles with the film to make it look real.

8.Zod Smash
Remember that bit in The Avengers when Hulk landed on a jump jet and tore its pilot out?
Well, Zod goes one better here, punching what he thinks is a big bird right in what he thinks is its stupid face.
Well, Zod goes one better here, punching what he thinks is a big bird right in what he thinks is its stupid face.

9.Heat Vision 2
As one of our staffers said this morning, "Wow, I forgot that Superman did stuff other than punching and flying."Yep, he's got a boat-load of powers (his strength is the equivalent of 5.972 sextillion metric tons, fact fans), including heat vision, which appears to be something he uses only in anger in Snyder's universe.

10.Super Punch
Fans of Superman punching stuff will find plenty to enjoy in this latest trailer.
We can't tell which Kryptonian fighting style he's using here. It could be Torquasm-Rao or Klurkor. Then again it could just be punching.
We can't tell which Kryptonian fighting style he's using here. It could be Torquasm-Rao or Klurkor. Then again it could just be punching.

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