Friday, 26 February 2016

Gods of Epgyt not on UK cinema when clearly the date is 26th feb UK realise

Im writing this article because this has seriously pissed me off, this clear is box office failure to communicate that this film must have been delayed for some reason which has not been given at all.

Gods of Egypt was realise world wide today in the USA / UK, yet for some unknown reason God of Egypt is not on any cinema in the uk when clear the date of realise shows the 26th February 2016 here is prove

Now you might think this information is incorrect but this was taken from Odeon cinema Southampton UK it clear shows the date of the film 26 / 2 /2016.

This is todays showing time up to date for the 26th February can you see what wrong here:

 Where the hell is the Gods of Egypt listing times. This is complete failure from box office not giving out information as to why this film is not showing in UK cinema pissing off a lot of people that actually wanted to see this film, yet there is no information as to why or what going on.

I contact the local cinema information line they even told me there is no information or listing for this film. So what the hell is going on. There is iver miss communication or a failure to give a date of realise iver way it dam right disgusting & unprofessional that no information is give out when clearly Odean cinema show the realise date as the 26 / 2 /2016.

I have no idea what is going on, ive looked online there is not information other than the realise date for the UK / USA 26th February 2016, this is not on, im actually pissed off with this lack of communication from box office to give out realise date for this film.
If it been delayed for some reason then we should be notified of this delay or given some sort of information as to why it been delayed not give a date of the 26th February only realise it in the usa & not UK as well, when clearly from the Uk Odeon cinema it saying 26 / 2 /2016.

This need to go viral because this is a piss take but any standards.