The third installment in the Wachowski siblings' cyberpunk trilogy had a lot riding on it. The first film was a cult classic, thanks to its reality bending plot and iconic use of bullet time. The second movie, "The Matrix Reloaded," lost some of the subtlety of the first, but fans hoped that the final film in the trilogy would combine the big-budget special effects of the second film with the thought-provoking elements of the first. Unfortunately, "The Matrix Revolutions" was a convoluted finish to the trilogy. With big questions left unanswered, "The Matrix Revolutions" failed to respect its own premise, instead becoming a generic sci-fi action movie with forgettable explosions.

In this 2006 action movie, director Michael Mann attempted to breathe new life into his 1980s TV crime series about undercover Florida cops. Trying to recycle his own original story into a different medium proved a little tricky for Mann. The movie version plays out like a pale imitation of the TV show, drawing unfortunate comparisons to the slicker, smarter series. While Jamie Foxx and Colin Farrell turn in strong performances as Tubbs and Crockett, "Miami Vice" has all the style of the show, but not as much substance. Mann could have benefited from going in a new direction.

Quantum of Solace"
As the second movie to feature Daniel Craig's taciturn, mysterious James Bond, "Quantum of Solace" is a mostly forgettable film that fails to embrace the qualities fans know and love. Shedding the campy humor of the original Bond films, yet losing the sleekness of the "Casino Royale" remake that put Agent 007 back on the map, "Quantum of Solace" is rambling and aimless. Although a decent action movie overall, it makes a poor addition to the Bond legacy it was a bad mistake to make a sequel follow up story to the first one, instead should of been a new story.

Spider-Man 3"
The third movie in any trilogy has the potential to either tie up the series in a satisfying way or fall flat. Sadly, "Spider-Man 3" opts for the second strategy. The movie is overambitious, attempting to cram too many bad guys and too many battles into a single sitting. Even with its long run time, "Spider-Man 3" fails to resolve the many conflicts it throws at its hapless superhero. While trying to end the series with a bang, director Sam Raimi made "Spider-Man 3" a little too flashy and a little too unfocused. real disappointment with the character venom not enough screen time poorly executed for the character.

X-Men Origins: Wolverine"
The true power of the "X-Men" franchise derives from its colorful ensemble cast. This film attempts to capitalize on the overwhelming popularity of Hugh Jackman's gruff, muscle-bound Wolverine, with mixed results. The philosophical questions raised by Bryan Singer's "X-Men" films end up abandoned in favor of a less controlled plot. Despite Jackman's compelling screen presence, the movie doesn't do Wolverine justice.

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull"
At an advancing age, Harrison Ford is as charismatic as ever. However, even the most dashing leading man can't go up against his younger self without drawing unflattering comparisons. Despite staying in great physical shape, Ford's age is on full display in "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull." Trying to shoehorn Ford into the very same action scenes he played in his 30s doesn't work for this cheesy adventure flick, and neither does a confusing plot involving aliens.
Some of these movies were sequels struggling to meet the expectations set by an amazing first film, while others just struck the wrong chord with audiences and critics. Whatever the case, these 10 action movies missed the mark.

Superman Returns"
Superman is arguably the most famous superhero of all time, and a 21st century reboot of the beloved films starring Christopher Reeve already had some big shoes to fill. Director Bryan Singer assumes that audience members have all seen the original films, so few of the characters and ideas are explained or developed. Add to this a weak story and dull execution, and filmmakers have a recipe for disaster this is why this film failed just didn't living up to the hype or Christopher reeve superman.

The Hangover Part III"
Everyone fell in love with "The Hangover," a wacky comedy following a group of groomsmen as they try to piece together their drunken night in Vegas. Part II is not quite as good as the first, but the story following the group as they head to Thailand for a wedding still manages to draw a few laughs. The third installment, however, seems like no more than a forced milking of a Hollywood cash cow as it features few good jokes and a wild story-line.

Godzilla (1998)
Despite the solid casting this film had it just couldn't stop this film from failing with not just its story-line of having hundreds of these small Godzilla's but the look just wasn't the Godzilla that fans wanted.Maybe they should of stuck to the original design & better story this film might of worked.

Paranormal Activity 4
These film had promise from the start, the first two film were pretty scary, the third film was ok, but then when it came to paranormal activity 4 & paranormal activity: mark one spin off sorry these film became repetitive & boring just weren't scary at all. Paranormal activity 4 rip off grave encounters with special effect of the demons in a way, so ya these fim just just become ghosts & die out because there no longer entertaining.

Ghost Rider 2 Spirit of Vengeance
This was a big disappointment, it just didn't live up to the origin it wasn't the squeal we deserved, it was completely missing the edge the first film had, it felt cheaply made & rush, if they had just kept this sequel like the first film i think this film would of been so much better for its story line.

This film had so much potential to be a great Sc-fi film but seriously failed on the story-line,The C.G.I was brilliantly done, the alien design was fantastic but it wasn't enough to make this film brilliant. The ending should of been the beginning of the film it could made for a better film.

Taken 2
Didn't quite live up to the success of the first film, it was to slow it felt like a rehash of the first film but poorly executed, as the story & character writing just made Liam Neeson look old for the role it came off on screen, it just was no where as good as the first film.
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