I'm not really sure I like the plot of this film to be honest the more I hear the more this film is looking to be a very bad film. Jurassic park 4 plot is going to be based on the park that was first built in first Jurassic park film but has been rebuilt & dinosaurs recaptured & reopened to the public 22 years later after the accident.
Only this time, the plot revolves around some cloned hybrid dinosaurs that have had their DNA split between T-rex - Raptor - snake - cuttlefish - fusion allow them to blend in with their environment a whole new hybrid spice of dinosaurs these are supposed to be the guys that escape & cause havoc in the park.
Now i know what your think cloned hybrid dinosaurs sound like a far fetched story but its not that far fetched, there is scientific accuracy here because science have been able to clone a sheep so splitting DNA of a dinosaur & put in other DNA of other different dinosaurs yes your get a hybrid dinosaur if it works but as we all know playing god creating a new life like Dr Malcolm said Life find a way some time can be violent, chaotic & unpredictable.
Now this is where this film for me look like it going to be a bad film Chris Pratt's character is supposed to be some dinosaurs trainer that trains dinosaurs to be friendly (think Cesar Milan, but with extinct, prehistoric lizard) Accord to the plot there is supposed to be some good friendly dinosaurs that can be used to protect people..... yes you heard me right :-/ your right in assuming that these hybrid dinosaurs are the bad guys in the film. They can blend into their environments, are smart like Velociraptors, unhinge their jaws like a snake, and are bad ass like T-Rex, I guess this was better than the human mutant dinosaur idea they were going to go with but im really not sure about this to be honest. I guess we'll have to wait for a trailer to see if this film is going to be ok or a stupid idea & a flop but i guess time will tell.
Also accord to plot there is also a lagoon for the water dinosaurs as well so i assume that there will be some involvement with this area in trying to escape the park at some point but not sure weather this event with be in the film but it would be a good dramatic scene.
But how do you feel about this do you think this is a good plot or a serious bad plot that going to fail, bear in mind we have see a trailer yet?
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