I'm writing this because ive noticed a few video online from people that are doing this Ice bucket challenge in bad taste just to get notice or for a laugh & not for the Charity. This is in bad taste to a serious condition that some people have, These Actors/Actress & music industry singers, few people i know are doing the ice Bucket challenge to donate money to the ALS charity not for fame or for a laugh to get notice for there own reason it to get ALS notice so these people that have it can get the help they need.
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), sometimes called Lou Gehrig's disease, is a rapidly progressive, invariably fatal neurological disease that attacks the nerve cells (neurons) responsible for controlling voluntary muscles (muscle action we are able to control, such as those in the arms, legs, and face). The disease belongs to a group of disorders known as motor neuron diseases, which are characterized by the gradual degeneration and death of motor neurons.
So if you going to do this ice bucket challenge & challenge others to it, do it for charity like the stars are & not for your own selfish reason to get notice for a laugh its sick & twisted , Act like human beings & not some stupid self-centre idiots ALS IS NOT FUNNY!!!!!!!!. donate money to the charity with the ice bucket challenge.....
One of the Greatest film Robin William did what dreams may come, i hope he is somewhere like this film in a beautiful place, i still can't believe he gone its hit me hard because i know what it like to live with depression. Such a massive loss of one of the most funniest & awesome actors ever to live. May the loving angels guild you to the light & may you find peace in the loving arms of the angels. My heart goes out to family & friends, Robin William you will be sadly missed, you were one of the legends, you will always be in our hearts. R.I.P we all miss you so much :'(
Has the movie industry got a problem with Europe cinema realise date because as of a few months Ive started notice that film are taking way to long to come out in curtain country, which is understandable in some country because of different time lines. But Are they seriously taking the piss of having a film realise in America then having to wait 2 month for it to be realise in Europe is this seriously necessary!!!!!. Because the film industry complain about pirating DVD of their films from people, yet they realise a film two or three months later after its already been realise in other country. Do they not realise that before this 2 or 3 months is up pirate site will have a DVD copy on their film on their site for people to down load the film to watch the film before it even get realise in other country's. which damages rating & box office because people will loss interest in waiting 2 month for a film that already be realise & download the film from a site. This is why a film that is realise should Iver been on the same day world wide realise or 2 or 3 days later not 3 months later.
For an example Teenage mutant ninja turtles movie is realised in America 8th august Today, this has to be the biggest piss take ever that its not realise until 17Th October for the UK & rest of Europe. That a full two month of having to put up with negative review's & spoilers people will give out, which further damages the box office for Europe Realise since it not out until october. People will get fed up with waiting, plus like i said it will be available on download on curtain site before it get realise here IN cinema's which i don't think they realise will happen.
Now im not normal one for complaining about this but this is seriously a piss take of the film industry for stupid realise dates.
Not out until 17th of october for the uk, when it realise on the 8th august in USA what a piss take.